Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Healthcare Rally

There was a healthcare rally on the steps of the state capital today. I watched during my lunch break.  If there's one take away for me it's that the healthcare system in the U.S. is severely broken.  Whether you believe in Obamacare, or you're one to fight it's repeal, the fact is that the U.S. ranks dead last in healthcare when compared to top industrialized countries around the world.  Healthcare, and equitable access to it, is a problem around the world, but in terms of legitimate excuses as to why so many people lack healthcare - well, I'm not so sure the U.S. has any (legitimate excuses that is). It's not a Republican vs. Democrat issue - it's a moral crisis that our leaders have failed to deal with and as a result, millions of hardworking people are penalized. The crisis is not a result of healthcare workers, who are a heroic, dedicated group of professionals. Rather, it's the broken system that our bickering politicians foster, that is to blame.

More Rally Photos Here

Abysmal Stats on U.S. Healthcare

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