Part of a cement works for ready-mix vehicles, in the Longman industrial estate, Inverness. Lovely sunny day. Could have done with sunglasses. That sun doesn't get very high above the horizon, even at mid-day.

Plenty more Snowdrops about now. And another sign of Spring approaching, was a scary buzzing from around a living room lamp this morning. A queen Wasp must have sneaked into the house while ago, and decided it was time to start moving about. At least she wasn't crawling over the carpet, as I wandered around in bare feet. Almost stepped on one a few years ago.

Decided not to keep the old, and very cheap 75-150mm zoom lens, as used yesterday, and replace the dodgy 35mm (DX) lens with a secondhand one. That zoom was rather challenging with regard to how even the focus was in different parts of the frame. Good fun though. Will have to test the 35mm more thoroughly, for a change. Taking shots of brick walls, and pixel-peeping on the results, just doesn't appeal... somehow. I'd rather just get out and use it.

[There still appear to be bugs, of the software variety, in Blipfoto's reading of the EXIF data. Shutter speed should be 1/1600. They're close.]

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