Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Tasmina in Kinross

My constituency is Ochil and Perth South.  It's a very much mashed-up aarea, encompassing bits of wealthy farming Perthshire and very poor and deprived Clackmaananshire (excuse my spelling, I'm never sure which part of Clacks the double-a's belong to!). 

Our current Westminster MP is Gordon Banks, Labour.  I've always considered him to be a decent and hardworking MP, however his voting record on issues such as dumping Trident and getting rid of austerity measures has been pretty damn abysmal. 

We have now chosen our SNP candidate to stand against him in May at the General Election, and I was down in Kinross today leafleting at the start of our campaign to get our woman to Westminster. 

I'm going to say that again: Our Woman to Westminster.  I like the sound of it!  Tasmina Ahmed-Sheik, mother of 4 children, wife, lawyer, ex-Bollywood actress, politically motivated since age 16.  Stood initially as a Conservative because that's what her dad was, but realised fairly young that she didn't actually share all of his beliefs. Her father-in-law was a Labour supporter, and for a while she subscribed to that viewpoint (as I did for the greatest part of my life), until she realised like many of us in Scotland that the only way to have the government she wanted was to vote SNP. 

She could live the easy life, working as a lawyer is a pretty profitable enterprise.  However, she has put her own life on hold now and is going all out for Westminster.  And I'm right behind her! 

I'm so proud to live somewhere, and be part of a party, who  have chosen  an Asian female Muslim candidate to represent us in the Westminster Parliament.  I think that sends a huge message to our detractors that SNP really is a party for everyone, no matter what class, race, gender or age. 

Sorry - probably got a bit carried away there!  But you might have to put up with that for the next few months, because I'm in the Election groove now! 

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