
By JimmyDunn

sunset Bardowie Loch

I was charging along Balmore Rd in my little jeep late for a dinner date with BFF, when the sky tuned apocalyptic!!! I am famous amongst friends and family for never being late!!! time was tight, I still didn't have the Bollinger I'd promised and I hadn't planed to stop before the Wine shop!! But the further along the road heading West I got the more amazing the sky became. I quickly signalled right causing consternation amongst the boy racers behind me, turned up a farm road then doubled back parking down a wee country road next to Bardowie Loch. 
20 yds down a wee path next to the Loch I realised I was up to my herringbone tweed suit in mud, my beautifully polished shoes covered in dirt and wet leaves ..anyway here is the bloody shot I got 8-(

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