The Living Years

By emmaneni1


What is underneath can sometimes be more beautiful than what's on top.

I'm not sure what flower this is, it looks like a purple and yellow daisy.

School this morning was long and hard especially because it seems more and more lessons will be missed because of a variety of things. I was sure I had enough time to finish everything for the year but it seems we are quickly running out of time. Panic! Somebody told me last week you might as well imagine that the year finishes on the 15th of March because you won't get anything done after that. It seems that is true as there are constantly things happening.

My day still hasn't finished as I've got 3 more lessons now but went out for a walk in my short afternoon break and took pretty photos of raindrops on flowers. It's rained constantly today, either heavy showers or just drops but it hasn't stopped. It's warm though so that is nice.

After my lessons this evening I've got lots to do at home, marking, cleaning, cooking and running. I hate Tuesdays! I start at 7.30 and finish at 6.30.

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