Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

The Pack

9 dogs sit and look to the right, except the deaf dog you look to the left! Wow I have them so well trained!! Teehee. They could hear my husband in the tractor putting a bale out for the cows so could sit for a photo but not look at me!! All except for Moss who is deaf and couldn't hear anything. A quieter day today thankfully. Caught up on a bit of housework after feeding this morning. Then walked ahead of the tractor with the dogs to do the gates for my husband when he was putting out the fresh bales of silage for the cows. As with all old vehicles this ones handbrake is no longer functioning so stopping for gates involves turning off the tractor and leaving it in gear. Makes the process a lot longer. The dogs enjoyed the walk after being in the pick up most of yesterday. They are all content and relaxing now.

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