Ways Of Seeing

By dollyfish

Off the wall

I've been walking past this wall, with my son, for the last 7 years.

As a baby, he was oblivious to it.

Then he got to about 3 and discovered the wonderful timeless childhoold activity called "walking on walls". I would hold his hand, very very tightly.

And then when he was about 4 he would try to let go of my hand and I would still hold on to it, but not so tightly.

When he was 5 he would walk along with no holding hands - just me nervously walking beside him.

Now he is 7 and...well I just let him get on with it. When he gets to the end he swings around the signpost pole with the ease of a seasoned pole dancer.

And then one day when he's a grown up, he'll be oblivious to it again, like the rest of us.

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