Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

A touch of frost

This was the view that greeted me when I got in my car this evening.  It was a very fine layer - so fine I was worried that it would be spoilt before I could organise my camera - but I managed to catch a couple of pictures.  I obviously couldn't move the car to improve the lighting!

It was then rapidly cleared by the hot air blower - I didn't need to get out and chip the ice off the window.  One chap must have been unfortunate in catching a particularly cold drift of air, as he was working very hard with a scraper as I left.

I went up to Cromer for my orchestral rehearsal this evening, and drove home in bright moonlight - I did stop and take a few pictures, but it was too cold, and I was too tired, to spend time playing with the exposures to try to improve the appearance.

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