Ring of Brodgar

These stones are about 4,000 years old and they are not showing their age.  I went across to Dounby today to visit Ian, who is struggling meantime.  It was cold with snow flurries; at least I had the Ring of Brodgar to myself.  From left to right the background hills on Hoy are the Knap of Trowie Glen, Heist, Ward Hill, Red Glen, Clicknafea, Stony Hill and the Cuillags. Orkney is predominantly flat and these hills are a good orientation tool throughout most of the County.

When I got home the Current Mrs Creel informed me she would be making me a poppy seed lemon cake at the weekend.  I think this is to try and moderate my behaviour.  Ian was out, maybe through at the hospital, so I left his book in the porch.

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