
By Mindseye

Slip sliding away

Up earlier than usual this morning as hairdresser was here for 9, followed by the free measuring service for my new curtains. Then we walked down into town, pretty chilly but a lovely morning. Bought some fresh rolls and had them with tuna mayo and cucumber....one of my favourite fillings :-)

After lunch I wrapped up warm and spent a very pleasant couple of hours wandering around the Flash, in and out of the hides. I saw robins, bull finches, various tits, swans, ducks, and a nuthatch, and a moorhen type thingy that some real twitchers were very excited about, apparently it was rare, but I didn't catch what they called it :-/ BUT best of all, I went to the gate near the river and saw the kingfisher several times, but it was just too far away for my lens.....I did get some shots of it flying up the river, but not good enough to share! I will be back there again and again until I succeed!'

So instead I've settled for this shot of the sun bouncing off the ice that has remained frozen on the big lake, it was funny watching the various birds making their crash landings on the slippery surface..........and I can make a tenuous link for Mono Monday too, I like a little ice with my spirits :-D

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