
By anni

Hubby left his co-biker colleagues hosing their bikes and came for a late afternoon stroll with me to the creek. My long exposure trials shortly interrupted by him dipping his feet in the ice cold creek. He bravely stayed for a couple of more shots though. 

He seems to be hosting an occasional weekend bike park here with his friends happily and with permission parking  here where it's normally prohibited, and hosing their bikes afterwards. 

We are learning from the news and forums that not all in this neighborhood are happy with the steadily increasing amount of mountain bikers here. Parking has already been prohibited apparently because of that but it had gone as far as one person being now captured by RCMP and accused of setting traps to some steeper sections of certain trails, putting bikers to risk of serious accidents. Not just once but on a regular basis, sneakily at the very early hours in the dark. Nothing bad has luckily happened. But I find it serious and sad, too. What makes people declare these private wars against certain groups and possibly spending years brooding their disapproval and dislike?

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