Two little ducks

Just tried to add to the map and it completely locked up my laptop so I'll have to start all over again.
We went down to the River Ness so that I could show Mike the kingfishers and luckily one was there but it was off in a flash. We also saw a dipper bobbing up in the water, the usual robins and blackbirds, a yellow wagtail and several moorhen.
We walked along the river bank and admired the banks of snowdrops. I even gave up some of my half a cake to get the pair of mallards to come closer.
As I went down to take a picture of one of the bridges over the Ness I noticed an old well. The Generals Well has been used since Victorian times when several wells in the area were used as healing wells. This one was thought to cure rickets and adults and children from all around would come and put silver coins and small pebbles in the water before washing the affected area and then drinking the water. There is a sign now saying that the water is not for drinking purposes.  You can see photos of the well on my Flickr page but I can't add a link.
We've had snow showers and the temperature is 1 degree with more snow forecast. There is a whole row of suns on the forecast for tomorrow though :)      

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