
The Boss spent all morning hiding in his Studio. He was actually making a “Tip Sheet” for Seniornet next week on the fruit phone and all attempts to distract him were pretty fruitless…get it fruitless…Errr…right.
Don't all laugh at once.
when this all worked out beautifully complete with trial software he was so pleased that he took me out  ( cat! where…) and we went to my favourite place where the sniffing is easy and it appears the photography can be OK too. We then proceeded to get sorta lost (not that you actually can get lost) in what is known as “The Sticky Forest” where there is a huge network of biking trails, and he had wondered for some time where one that we passed a lot went. Well 13836 steps later (double that for ME) we both found out and made a mental note (never the best sort) to not do THAT again. I was so tired that I could only drink half the water in my portable drink thingie when we got bark and The Boss spent some time in his studio chair very still and slightly noisy.

Some one had really worked at building this Cairn and photographically we were grateful. The Boss wanted to check if it had been supa glued there but photographed it instead ‘Cos he couldn’t reach.
Try a BIG lick...looks good.



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