Gloom With a View
It rained today. Off and on, in and out. not up…mostly down, asitdoes.
The Boss played with his old PC and marvelled at the stuff that was on it and how it was not going on the Mac and then figured out how to get what was left….there.
There was joy in the land as his iTunes collection…large…arrived and got played in the speakers of his new stormy display (Thunderbolt) including wonder at all the other stuff that appeared that he hadn't seen in years. He marvelled at the speed of a tiny little “Air” Passport drive that shifted Gigs in Secs. and finally when I was getting all set to have an indoor blatathon we went out…into the rain but still 20 something degrees with just a lite jacket and titfa.
I was not wearing anything…you noticed? so I was NOT allowed into the lounge when we got bark. I have a habit of drying myself on the chairs it seems. I need to talk to my self about this sometime…no rush…just sometime.
OH and yes he was very tempted with “The” tree but resisted.
Note to all the Blippers coming later in the year…
It still looks good in the gloom on an iPhone.
Oh and bigger curls are better curls.
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