
By Memories4Me

There are only 3 rules...

Dear Diary,

I was tidying a shelf when I came across my old Scrabble game.  It got me reminiscing about the board games I enjoyed growing up.  Chutes and Ladders and Clue being my favorites that come to mind.   My father loved Monopoly.  We would set it up on a card table to the family room and play for hours, sometimes it would last a couple of days. 

I never liked Monopoly all that much.  It felt so predatory and mean to me.  I usually ended up bankrupt.  I preferred quieter games like dominoes and pick up sticks and of course Scrabble.  My grandmother taught me the card game Patience and I would play that by myself especially on days stuck today!  Another 8-10"  of snow expected by the end of this storm.  Guess I'll get out the cards!

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