Wavy Wood II

I photographed this fallen log a year ago and decided to take another shot of the upraised root end today. I love the way it has weathered over the years.

I am almost finished with my closet purge. It's amazing I've gotten this far with a puppy around, but it still seems to have taken forever. It's a bit depressing to see how many things I really don't like (what was I thinking when I bought that?) or don't fit anymore. Motivation enough to watch what I eat.

Speaking of watches, Dana has a FitBit…a streamlined watch that also counts steps and calories and monitors quality of sleep. I don't need a watch to tell me that the quality of my sleep sucks. The latest theory blames this on reading on the iPad in the middle of the night. According to a study, it is the bright white light that interferes with circadian rhythms. Sometimes I wonder how anybody ever has time to do  anything else these days. A lot of  studies seem to do nothing but contradict or reverse the  results of previous studies!

It would be interesting to see how many steps I take on any given day….

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