Texann Times

By Texann

Head to tail

(Back blip - almost caught up!)

Had a lovely day in Bourton-on-the-Water today. Aliscotia, Leejohnaire and I walked to Birdland (a small "bird encounter" which is home to over 500 birds, including flamingos, pelicans, penguins, waterfowl, parrots, birds of prey, hornbills, ibis and many more).  We all managed to get some great shots of various birds there.  However, it was the non-captive birds that caught my attention. 

Because of the abundance of bird food, there were a lot of wild birds taking advantage of it.  We didn't notice the keepers putting out dead things for any of the exhibit birds, but they must have done because at one point, a heron came swooping down next to the river, then swiftly grabbed a very large dead duckling from it and in a few very stretchy gulps, the duckling was gone.

I did get some rather gross shots of that, but it was this perfect head-to-tail arrangement of gulls on a small bridge that I just loved!

Aliscotia's pelicans were more head-to-head.

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