The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Relief is in sight ..

I had booked mum into respite for a long weekend so I could go to London to play in a concert, but there was an outbreak of D and V at the care home and for a while it seemed I'd have to cancel. Luckily they've just been given the all clear. I'm feeling so washed out and tearful at the moment that I've extended her stay to a week. She'll hate it but I can feel myself becoming more and more tetchy with the poor woman so I think we'll both benefit in the end.

I just went out to call the foxes - Mama and Auntie and another little chap came.

I can just about manage to take photos by the light of the security light without resorting to using flash which makes their eyes look like headlights! I have to crank the ISO right up (6400) and generally squeeze out as much shutter speed as I possibly can.

Here's poor Auntie who practically fell asleep with the boredom of waiting for me to stop fiddling with the settings!

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