27th January 2015
At last, finally got the Blipfoto app to work again for me. I hope this works ... fingers crossed.
Awful burning sensation from my neck today, so stupidly I googled it. It's a good job I don't panic too much!! But what I did gleam from all the doom was maybe I should take some anti-inflammatory tablets (which we don't have). In fact our medicine cabinet consists of paracetamol, plasters and some calpol. Oh and a box of nurofen and some Tums. I had a mother who stockpiled medicines, she once gave me 100 tablets of co-codemol when I said I had a toothache. I kept them in my cupboard for a few months and then took them to the chemist for him to sort out. My Nan was the same; they all shared tablets and had huge cupboards full of them. They even got paracetomal from the doctor in boxes of 100 and they were included on the repeat prescriptions. Their drug habits always amazed me!!
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