Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

When I asked for an extra day I didn't exactly mean a day off school for an unwell Amelie! She had woken before I even got to bed last night and was then up every hour from then on. It started out as her not wanting to be alone but turned into fear of mice and then she started asking me about how 'people got born' when there was nobody before them and then the fever hit about 3/4am.

She has spent the day on the sofa. Had two baths. Eaten dry cereal. And gone to bed without anymore medicine. I just checked her and she feels ok so I am hoping she will be fine tomorrow. I will most likely keep her off again though as she hasnt had much to eat and she will probably feel a bit tired and weak. We shall see.

Isaac has spent the day pestering his sister. Stealing her precautionary sick bowl, prodding her face, shouting when she was napping, constantly bringing her wet bath toys from the bathroom, stealing her food...all because I suspect he was pleased to have her home with us!

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