Mono Monday ~ Close Up

I awoke early (about 3ish!!!) on hearing Rebecca and Mo get up to go off to the airport, they are now enjoying a few days in Rome. But I didn't really get back to sleep and both my arms are really hurting at the moment, I hope the frozen shoulder(s) isn't returning.
The day didn't get any better when first thing this morning a parent came in accusing me of calling their child a liar. Of course I didn't!! The child has very poor attendance, doesn't learn their spellings, do their homework or read their books. On returning after Christmas he came and told me he didn't have his excuses I said it needs to get done. This weekend he hasn't done his homework so he didn't want to tell me so told his mum I didn't believe him last time!!! In all my 16 years of being a teaching assistant I have never had a complaint before and I really do feel quite rubbish!!

Let's hope I get a good nights sleep, my arms stop hurting and tomorrow is a better day.

Oh.... And happy birthday monomonday :-)

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