
By AprilJane


Had a lovely afternoon in The Anglers pub, celebrating my friend Wendy's birthday.

She is 44, like me, and I realised today that in September I will have known her for 40 years. We met in Infant school, in Reception, but became inseparable at about nine years old.

We have always stayed close and she is the person who makes me laugh the most, and who understands me the best, having been at my side for so many years.

It's always great to see her, and today I also got to see some people who I don't see enough; her lovely daughters, Daisy and Ellie, her gorgeous niece, Chelsea, her brother Dave who of course I have known just as long, and lots of her friends who are all so nice. I also got to meet her boyfriend at last - Paul - who seems lovely and has the most beguiling Irish accent. Oh, these Irish boys! Neither one of us has ever been able to resist!

She is a teacher, and had just been demonstrating her classroom voice which is why Al is pretending to look all wary in this picture. It's impressive, and just the simple words, 'Excuse ME?!' loudly, yet without shouting, and with an incredulous questioning inflection had half the pub garden stopping dead and looking around guiltily.

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