Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas


My parents came for lunch - I had made blanquette de veau and a far breton.

We took a short walk before they left - they live a two-hour drive away from us.

We talked quite a lot: of the current state of affairs, of our (J.'s and my) future... I told them about my project, which I have hinted at here but have never actually talked about. I guess I wanted my parents to know of it before, which goes to show that whatever your age, however independent you think you are, you remain your parents' child until they (or you) die.

Now that I've told as much, you must be dying to know more about this big project of mine (not!). So here goes: I intend to study to become a psychotherapist. The problem is, in France, the use of that particular name is very restricted and I'm currently trying to find a way that would take me less than the five years it seems the training lasts if you do it as a student after graduating high school. More about it in the coming weeks.

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