
I'd like to have found a more interesting photo for today: this is one I took this morning to show the Minx what the pod looked like. It's as tiny as it looks but apart from the fact it's unavoidably cluttered as soon as you've done any amount of unpacking, it's really not a bad place to stay. Even the lack of a window didn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

Photo opportunities were lacking for the rest of the day, though, as I was back at the Kraftwerk Conference. Numbers were slightly thinner on the ground, it has to be said - maybe they all got lucky at the Kraftwerk Disco - but I enjoyed it as much as the first day, listening to seminars such as 'Nostalgia For The Modern. Re-Imagining the Past Futures in the Concept of Kraftwerk' and 'Kraftwerk and the Issue of Post-Human Authenticity'. It was all a lot more entertaining than it might sound!

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