Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Concrete thinking

I spent the day at Ballet Rambert's studios on the South Bank, planning the way forward for the dance charity whose board I sit on. This is the view from the window, the back of the National Theatre, a modernist concrete icon.

It was a great day and fortunately our thinking was far from concrete. Here's a thought: how far would Martin Luther King have got if he had stood up to make that speech and said "I have a strategy" or "I have a business plan". I don't think so ...

Went to see Aged P afterwards who still likes her footie, so we watched Final Score and had a good laugh at Chelsea, Man City, Southampton and Spurs all being booted out of the FA Cup at home by lesser teams. Then back up the line for Fish and Chips and a couple of excellent pints at our "London Local" the Marston Arms in Maddox Street, Mayfair. 

A long but very good day ...

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