1095 Blips ......

....... on the old blip-calendar ....... but it would seem that it's 1300 blips on the new bliperoid calendar (where they have added in all the blips you've uploaded before you joined up/since you joined up - what is that all about??)  

 Soooo, this should have been my 3rd blipbirthday - I haven't got any red balloons or a blip-notification - boooooo - but I am going to celebrate anyway (rebel that I am) and say, as this cute little squiggle seems to be indicating, a massive big thank you from the heart (puts right fist on heart) for the friendship, the fun, the love, the blipmeets, the comments, stars and hearts you've generously given and all the good stuff that this site has generated for me over the past three years.  Despite the changes I wouldn't be without blip and I wouldn't be without all you lot ..... 

Roll on April and the BoBB 2015 in Savannah, Georgia (84 days for those who are counting) - I am really, really looking forward to seeing old friends (and new) and spending some time together.

Thank you for the comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's FlowerFriday shot - and also for all the good wishes and love sent for my Mum - those will be passed on today when I go and visit!

~ Anni ~

Smiles of the Day - Language

An english professor writes the sentence
  " A woman without her man is nothing
on the black board and asks his students to punctuate it.

A male student writes:

A woman, without her man, is nothing.

A female student writes:

A woman: without her, man is nothing.


A foreign visitor to England was having trouble with the pronunciation of words like bough, through and enough.
He thought he was getting the hang of it until he saw the local newspaper headline:  " Fete pronounced success "


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