Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

At Kings Cross

I was travelling for most of the day. Car to station (thanks to Margret), train to Newcastle (on time), waved goodbye to Maureen and Brian who were already on an earlier train to London, caught my train to London (why do I choose the Quiet Coach when I get irritated by the people who are not quiet?), arrived at Kings Cross on time. Took bus to Waterloo - befriended a Chinese woman who had been for an interview for an academic post in Cambridge and was off the see the London Eye before flying home tonight. Arrive Waterloo, took train to Clapham Junction, eventually found loos - up flights of stairs - on way down Aggie (that's Arth's twin sister) gave way painfully on the stairs and a nice man carried my case for me. Train to Wandsworth Common and walked to LIz's house.

Sorry folks, but that is how it felt.

This engine was just sitting at Kings Cross with the words "Lest we forget............) and this rather splendid painting of a Lancaster (am I correct?)

Now supper with Liz and Zoe. 

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