Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Angel over Hexham?

Today has been super busy with lots of small interruptions. The first lot of workmen backfilled the hole in our drive, until such time as the subcontractors could do a permanent job. That happened about 2 hours later! In the meantime, the man from the Council came to see the eroded roadside by our wall and has given it a "ticket" so that it will be repaired "in due course".

Various people phoned or called. I tried to pack my suitcase.  I also had to update the festival website. Then a trip to 6 different shops in Hexham.

Have set up Facetime so I can check on keep in touch with Mum while I'm away.  Most jobs done. Piles of papers still in study - they will wait.

I had no camera with me, so used my iPhone for this blip. Very grainy, so I've amplified that. Egger is a woodchip factory and just about the only industry in Hexham. You can see that there is little wind today.

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