Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie's holiday

Archie knew something was up this morning... suitcases out, lots of unusual activity. He amused himself by stealing small items from said suitcases.

He seemed excited to see his friend Alfie again, though there was a wee bit of barking when we left him there and hurried off without a backward glance.

A nice drive up to Perth, with a wee wander around the town. We went into the AGA shop to fondle the ovens. One time we were passing and there was a cooking demonstration, with samples, so we always look in now.

We set off for the hotel. I knew where it was - near the other hotel we'd stayed in several years ago. We drove and drove in the dark, through many wee villages.

Doubt began to set in... didn't look this far in the map...

Panic began to set in. It definitely wasn't this far!

Checked the address. A place I'd never heard of, and it wasn't even on this road!

We had to take a wee single lane country road across country, with JR the driver, getting increasingly hysterical stressed, while I kept her calm with my assurances (which she had understandably lost faith in) and map reading skills in the dark. Though of course, if I'd checked that I REALLY knew where it was before we left, all would have been fine.

We did eventually get here, of course. We really MUST find the TomTom - haven't seen it since we moved house - it's in an unlabelled box...

The difference between a five star hotel and a four star hotel is the coffee provided. One supplies sachets of instant coffee and one provides a coffee making machine. Also in the size of the TV.

But we do have fluffy dressing gowns.

And a trouser press....

And teddy bears. What's that all about??

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