Life on the Run

His Lordship and I had a plan. Well to be strictly accurate, he had a plan, but I was so grateful to hear that he had one, that it became our plan.
Not that it was a very complicated plan, but it involved taking the bus down to Portobello and having a coffee in a little café off the High Street before having a jaunt along the shore.

Unfortunately life got in the way a bit. The bus on our doorstep was running so late that by the time we arrived in Portobello to discover our little café of choice was closed we were feeling a bit dejected knowing that the alternative Beach Café would be busy. But surprise surprise there was a table and while HL munched his way through a delicious looking scone topped by a generous helping of jam, I of the burgeoning waist line looked the other way and blipped this little tableau outside the window.

With time ebbing away like the tide, and an afternoon's visit to my friend of many talents, the dinner to prepare, a blip to post and a drawing to do, all we could manage was a short stroll along the prom and a quick return to the bus stop.

Now I am almost back on schedule with lungs full of ozone and a blip.

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