
5years 89days 

We were awake repeatedly last night then up pretty early. So she happily had some chilled out time with the iPad. We got up and ready. She decided she wanted to go to Church, not come to work with me at the woods. I arrived part way through the service and met her from Sunday school, where I got a massssssssive cuddle. 

We headed straight to swimming from there. She's working super hard on her 50m stints. And I was really pleased to see some quite good diving efforts now! Her tumble turn has improved and she even did a couple going towards the wall and having a go at twisting/pushing from it. We had lunch afterwards and she sat chatting to her gymnastics coach. 

After swimming we went straight to ballet as we had a studio slot to practice her competition dance - 4 weeks today until the next one, with dance exams in between, so its all systems go. She arrived full of smiles and bounce. It didnt last that long as it was actually really cold in the studio. She turned purple so ended up dancing in my big snuggle jumper before I said "enough was enough" (NB, her hands aren't weird, she's 'holding the skirt' that she wears!)

She had requested "Macker Cheese" for tea. Thankfully I had overheard the programme she'd been watching that was talking about mac 'n' cheese to know what she was talking about. She requested we add ham and sweetcorn and then cheese on the top. She'd eaten two sizeable breadrolls and a bowl of freshly roasted chicken not long before tea yet still ate the full bowl of Macker Cheese and said we should it for all the days this week! 

We popped out to run an errand, both of us in our jammies, before we've come home for a snuggle in bed, watching newly discovered Curious George 2 and a few sneaky sweeties - and then teeth! 

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