A cold and frosty morning

The alarm went off at 7am as Joe had to be in Currie for a football match with an unsociably early kick off. So, as I was up and once he'd been picked up by his coach I headed out along the riverbank swaddled in many layers. Once the pug realised it was going to be a big job eating all of the snow that had fallen overnight he settled in to a long walk with me and the whippet and is now dozing by the fire - this, and the fact he's realised we would really rather he dumped outside the house rather than inside makes us think we may have cracked it. Unless he is lulling us into a false sense of security, which is possible.

Right, time to open something hoppy, knock up a golden syrup loaf for later and then budge the pug and the whippet out of pole position in front of that fire.

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