Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The 4th Haltwhistle Challenge

Today was the day of the Haltwhistle Challenge. The weather was excellent. It was cool, cloudy and no rain. So far so good. The heavy persistent rain of the past weeks meant that the conditions underfoot were bad. The path through Lees Hall Farm was a quagmire and Kellah Moor proved as challenging as only it can be.

More people retired part way round than ever before, but they were sensible not to go beyond their capabilities. All who completed the course were back before the 11 hour deadline with many taking much less of course. The runners did well, but all times were longer than last year.

There were 5 of us taking photos so we should have a good gallery of all the entrants. My next job is to edit these and post them on the web.

No injuries, a few blisters and sore muscles, everyone said they enjoyed themselves. I'm off for an early night and no morning alarm!

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