Butterfly Week

OK - it's official.  It's Butterfly Week in the Paladian/Rower/Mishka household this week.

We have so many in the garden.

This one is a Female Common Brown.  They always start to fly later than the males, who start around October November.  They are bigger and altogether more gorgeous than the males.

I also saw a Dainty Swallowtail for the first time in our garden today.  I couldn't get my camera around quick enough on account I was distracted by the dog was going ballistic at next doors dog, and she wouldn't shut up., 

The Dainty Swallowtail breeds on citrus trees and the caterpillars eat the new leaves.  I looked up into the top of our lemon tree, and sure enough, the new leaves and shoots have been chomped on.  I'd be absolutely delighted if they were breeding. 

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible for me to climb up and have a look; I might go down and see if I can see anything with binoculars.

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