MonoMonday - Middle

Some fiendish person keeps choosing these fiendish challenges.  It might be Skeena!

This is the middle of an agave attenuata - I love the smooth flowing lines, and delicate textures.  They make a fine accent plant in the garden, and are as tough as old boots.

In other news - I am bereft.  Last night my last monarch caterpillar left home.  So that's the end of that.  I only have one pupa to watch, out of a dozen or so 'pillars.  I'm certain most of them are around somewhere, but it's a jungle out there.  I really wanted to watch the last two or three leave, but they are sneaky little sods.  They crept away while I was making dinner, so I missed the exodus.  On the plus side I'm glad they are gone, because the plants are stripped bare.  So I have covered them over with asparagus fern, to stop more eggs being laid.

I'm still watching my single solitary chrysalis like a hawk, but so far nothing is happening that's visible to me.

I have chosen next week's MM challenge, because it's a year since it was first started.  Can you believe that - a whole year of MonoMondays.

The challenge is -- (and what else could it be) CLOSE-UP, but it doesn't have to be a macro.  Just close-up. With the tag mm52

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