
By MamaOfBoys

The day that wasn't

We had an up and down sort of day.

We went to the buskers around lunch time on this beautiful hot day, leaving the house super clean with air con on for when we return.

Only we didn't end up staying long at all.

We had lunch when we got there. The boys had chips and a drink, Andre and i had a burrito that was delicious- spicy; but good, my eyes streamed for ages after it!

We watched one busker who was great and very funny, we were having a great time (also helped by having churros, i may love them just a bit) then suddenly mar lay down on me and started crying that he wanted to go to buskers, he wasn't making any sense and was almost delirious. 

Then he kind of lost it and started a tantrum that wasn't over anything, we realized his tiredness had suddenly hit him combined with the heat, we quickly left and drove home.

He got into bed and slept for  an hour and half. He is still so exhausted from this glandular fever, i knew it would last a while but i thought surely hes on his way up now but i guess not. 

I'm thinking i need to give him lots more rest and immune boosting stuff over the next 2 weeks than i have been as i'm now worried how he'll be at school. If hes going to be able to last a whole day.

I emailed his ministry of education worker and the senco at school to fill them in and asked them to pass along to his teacher.

So while he slept this afternoon the rest of us watched mary poppins, kanye loved it!

Late this afternoon my friend who i haven't seen in ages since she moved up north popped in for a quick visit with her partner and gorgeous wee bub, they're heading away tomorrow so have a very early start. Was great to see her! 

Mar got up for about 10 minutes after they left then went back to bed, i think we'll be having a very quiet week at home to let him get rest.

I snapped this of Harper tonight who got into my herbs and spices drawer and found the peppercorns, apparently i've been grinding it wrong all this time- the trick is tip them all over the floor and run them over with a block trolley. Voila! Pepper! Who knew hey? This kid, hes a smartypants.

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