Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Les Amarreurs...

It seems the predicted storm didn't materialise though the showers were pretty heavy. I decided to catch the bus to Les Amarreurs which was my original destination the other day. Yet again as I waited for the bus it started to rain; but this time it was serious rain not drizzle. So I thought I'd get the bus and if it was pouring by the time I got there then I'd simply stay on and come home again. 

Well luckily it was dry so off I got and headed down the track to see what was there. What was there was enormous puddles and I was tempted to turn back, especially when I rounded the corner and the wind hit me. But blip must go on and so did I and I was amazed at what was there... a sandy beach with a couple of piers and a few fishing boats. Really pretty and I gather a very popular bathing place for locals. I would have preferred the tide to be a little lower so shall return again but for now you have Les Amarreurs at about half tide.

As I waited for the bus back a friend walked past and invited me home for coffee so I spent a very pleasant hour chatting to her and her husband then headed off for a later bus. A very pleasant morning.

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments on yesterday's blip. particularly on the telephone system of yesteryears.

In response to a couple of comments... Even once we had island wide dialling we never had Buttons A & B over here; you simply put your money in as the call was connected so there was no chance of subsidising your pocket money by checking the phone boxes and pressing Button B. The Central exchange (St Peter Port which includes the town) was the last exchange to be converted to dialling and it must have been in 1965 or early 1966 that we finally caught up with the mechanised world.

Someone else commented that in 1964 they were a teenager in USA and were begging for their own exclusive phone line. Back then we didn't have an exclusive line at home; we shared a party line with the house around the corner. If you picked up the phone and heard talking, you put it down and tried again later. 

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