
By mydartmoorwalks

A Street in Paris

In the distance is the Montparnasse Tower and in the foreground a police van.  Just behind me was another police van.  Both vans full of police acting as a deterrent and waiting just in case. I saw lots of these vans in many different places, just waiting and just in case. There are many armed police too standing on corners, just in case.  

Walking through the Metro we met a small group of military personnel, all armed and obviously going somewhere.  I often see this on Dartmoor where they are on exercise but this was for real and  just in case.  What struck me was how young they were and what responsibilities they must carry.  

Just along from where I took this photo there was a news stand on the pavement.  I thought it made for a good foreground but the people running it were not happy and told me in no uncertain terms to go away. They were nervous I think, so I did. 

Paris is a busy place and life goes on.....

I have very much enjoyed the opportunity to try a different type of photography.  Dartmoor next.

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