Life Savors

By osuzanna

Little Boxes

I was reminded by Hobbs’ images of the last few days to get out my fast prime lenses which have recently been neglected.   I wiped off the cobwebs and took a couple of shots of my box collection as I tested the Nikon lens with the Sony adaptor.  I had planned to do more later, but I rather liked this one of the Tiffany box.  So my blip was in the bag!

I have decided to join one of the local camera clubs.  I went to a meeting last night and heard a wonderful speaker, Arthur Ransome,  who spoke about “complex simplicity” and black and white photography. It was very enlightening and inspiring. 

The second half of the meeting was quite fun.  They had asked members of the club who had recently received photography related items as gifts to bring them for “show and tell.” I saw several items that  I can’t live without  might prove useful in the future. 

The camera club meets twice a month, with a speaker for one meeting and a themed competition for the other.  I am not sure I am ready for any competition, but I really do like the idea of regular speakers.   

I am curious as to whether any of you belong to camera or photography clubs and what your experience has been. 

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