Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Orion and Comet Lovejoy

There has been several items on the news and radio over the last couple of days about the opportunity to see Comet Lovejoy in the night sky before it disappears off into deep space for about 8000 years, so with clear skies forecast for this evening I popped out after tea to see if I could spot it.

The comet is located to the right and slightly above the constellation of Orion, which is one of the easier constellations to spot, which I can often easily spot. I took binoculars with me, and I think I was able to see it, well at least I saw a greenish smudge of sorts. However Orion and the comet would appear to be directly between me and the lights of Leicester, so there was a lot of light pollution at the bottom of the picture, and I can't really see the comet on the photo. 

I'm not sure whether it would have shown up anyway, but I did enjoy looking at the stars and night sky with my binoculars. It is surprising how much more you can see with simple binoculars, and how the stars have different colours.

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