Light & Dark on a Stormy Day

I still feel sick, full of sorrow and indignation. And still in a way confused about what and how to write. You know what I’m talking about. It is a great consolation to see and read how many of our Blipfriends have reacted on the horrific Paris events of the 7th, 8th and 9th of January. When you follow the jesuischarlie link and see how all of us are struggling to cope with what has happened, I feel a bit comforted. Friedaquilter, Jinglijan, MariB and Farishta, Just to mention some of my friends here.

During the day I have followed again the French TV-news and some other international channels. But after having informed myself, I still ask myself: and what now? Sadder&Wiser?
Somehere I read a comment of a skilled female schoolteacher, who outcried in despair about utterances of her very young pupils, coming to school with muslim-parent-induced opinions about the legitimacy of punishing by death those who offend the prophet. Impossible to argue about principles of civilisation, freedom and law, penal and constitutional. The teacher felt so powerless over this widespread covert upshooting of religion-based fanaticism as a deep threat for the future.

Tomorrow hopefully we will see a historic international demonstration of civilized public consciousness, solidarity and civil courage as sign of resistance in these dark times. What can I do here? Share with you my worries, my search for the openings of light in a dark grey sky. It had just stopped raining and the storm was slightly calming The sea was great. That is all. That must do for today. I wish you a peaceful good night

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