Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Mud, Mud.

The wind was straight from the Arctic this morning, and so, as we prepared to go out across the Links this afternoon, I put TWO hats on. It was only when I happened to look in the mirror and realise that it made me look as if I had a huge head, as well as a huge face, that I decided against it.

We have decided to get secondary glazing in the bay windows in the lounge. Yes, we already got double glazing, but that was actually the wrong choice for cutting down on street noise. And so we will have secondary double glazed windows. Unique in the city. We went to the showroom to make sure we had the right options.

We wandered across the Links. What a mud bath. How come some dogs can stay clean in this weather? Archie looks like a little mud hound within seconds. We met a nice owner with a super wee dashing daschound, Falko. The two dogs had great fun running around and while we a good chat to the owner.

Then along came this fine looking chap. Clean as anything. He is a French basset hound, apparently. And what a calm, sensible dog he was, with huge big eyes. He didn't want to frolic in the mud with the other two silly muddy dogs.

JR went off down the road on an errand, and Archie and I came home, just making it before the snow came on!

Yes, I quite enjoyed the film last night. Though more in a 'I had to see it' sort of way... I wouldn't rave about it, and I'm glad I didn't rush to it. Enjoyed it more than Mr Turner (not hard) but not nearly as much as The Imitation Game.

Too much bubbly was consumed by some people last night. Great just to stagger walk home out one gate and in the next one!

So glad this morning that Archie is a lie-in sort of dog...

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