Life Savors

By osuzanna

Cupboard Love

I am resorting to an easy squirrel blip today because it is only 10 degrees (F) and I have a lot of things to do before the Ravens/Patriots NFL playoff game later in the day which we will watch comfortably in the family room beside a warm fire. 

We have three squirrels who live in our backyard and may be a family. At least one of them lives in the abandoned bird house. They all look very similar, however this one I can recognize and I believe he knows me too.  

Meet Junior.  I know him because is smaller than the other two and his tail is a lot less bushy. Each morning when the kitchen light goes on, he comes to my window and patiently waits.  I will put some peanuts out for him and he very quietly and discretely eats them.  I presume he is hoping that the other two (Mom and Dad?) won’t see him because, once they do they aggressively chase him away and keep the peanuts for themselves. What kind of parenting is that? 

So, I always make sure that Junior gets his peanuts first and he stays quietly by the window so I can get pictures of him...... Symbiosis. 

Have a look in large and you can see the reflection of the window in his eye. 

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