My Little Shadow

Having a young puppy to train is a bit like having an infant to care for. We can't take him anywhere yet, and we can't get anything done at home. I feel as if I have a little shadow, one with needle sharp teeth,  who finds out what everything is like by putting it in his mouth. Here's one of the many oxymorons of puppy training. 
Rule 1: do not let puppy eat off the floor. 
Rule 2: say a command firmly once. Don't keep repeating it. So how would you change this scenario?  
Blake, nose to floor, picks up, what? a spider? a dust bunny? a piece of onion? 
Me: firmly Blake, NO! fishes out... a broomstraw
Blake continuing around the perimeter of the kitchen, picks up…
Me: firmly Blake NO!  fishes out…a bit of paper
Blake pauses briefly to investigate the interior of Ozzie's (now his) bed
Me:  firmly  Blake NO!…fishes out a long thread
Blake heads out the dog door Wait, he just figured out the dog door!  Picks up leaf (or moss, or pebble, or a twig or a pansy….) 
Me: tiredly  Blake NoNoNoNoNoNo!!!!
Tomorrow is puppy training class….

I ditched my little shadow long enough to take a picture of a flower and its shadow against the side of the house. 

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