Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Winning January

With apologies to Gillian for stealing her title. Got a facebook message from the Woodland Trust tonight, saying I was a winner in their their facebook competition giveaway, Okay, so it was only a wee wildflower swatch thing for Sam for when we go off-roading in better days but I won it!

Off work sick Monday and Tuesday, not a great start to the year but the lovely nurse practitioner says it's viral, to give in to the urge to sleep and take lots of pain killers, but no antibiotics to be given. On the bright side, despite feeling and looking like an obese zombie Anita Dobson (you are picturing that aren't you), I'm a slightly less obese Zombie Anita Dobson, thanks to no appetite for a week. Always a silver lining. The "Viral Diet" as Kim coined it. Hoping I can keep up the porridge and soup thing once the virus had mutated off to somewhere else.

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