green shoots of recovery

I spot these dwarf narcissus in the garden, first thing this morning.  Hope springs…..

We’ve both recovered sufficiently to venture South to Watford to a real bricks and mortar camera shop, for a new camera bag for Anniemay.   

We park the car and wander up the High Street, passing as we go, two big - and in Anniemay’s words - ‘tough’ - men talking.  As they take their leave of each other they hug.  While their bellies touch, their faces do not.  In fact they turn away from each other as far is humanly possible without doing themselves serious injury.  It’s enough that we both notice;

Anniemay; “what is it with tough men hugging?”  followed up by “men don’t know how to hug.”  

I think some of us might disagree with that.

Having purchased said camera bag, we nip into John Lewis to use ‘the facilities’.  The clearance and sales bargains catch Anniemay’s eye;

Anniemay; “do you want to buy some crackers for next Christmas? They’re reduced.”

me; “that’s a bit optimistic isn’t it?”

Anniemay; “that’s a new definition of optimistic - people of our age buying crackers a year early.  You can put that in your blip.”

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