After A Windy Night
Well that was a windy night. I was lying in bed thinking the roof was going to be blown off, or the windows blown in. I expected to see more devastation on the way to school this morning, but nothing to write home about apart from a few bits of trees lying about. BB struggled in the wind though, especially as he had his cello with him. I had to take it in the end otherwise we may never have got to school.
I came home to a bit of Dessert Island Discs while I did some chores. I am pleased to report that the kitchen floor has had a good clean. I wouldn’t like to say when it last got a proper wash. When I was ill TT didn’t notice the mess – he just made the mess! Then there were bags to be packed as we are off to Yorkshire, straight from swimming for the 80th birthday celebrations. I predict BB will be very tired tonight as he is moving up to the one hour swimming class. He's not very keen!
I planted some hyacinths and paper whites in pots and they are hidden away in the dark for a wee while. Probably not for long as the bulbs all had good shoots on them. I also spotted our first snowdrop in the garden. It’s not out yet (and didn’t merit a blip) – but it is right through with the flower waiting to bloom. Surely it’s too early for snowdrops.
Here are some narcissi which are blooming in our front room.
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