The Branch Office

A wet and windy day. But I got out! Firstly to meet up with EcoPopsDadMan for a bit of the old chewing of the cud and then later, I took in Birdman again. Sober this time! Excellent again.
To make amends for this sobriety, I then proceeded to get totally lashed. I blame that Lawrie! Honestly, he was supposed to get a cab home but just invited himself in. He did! I'll have a whisky, he said. All true. I had to ply him till about bloody 5am. Outrageous behaviour. He's from Clydebank, mind, and they're all a bit like that. And you can't say no. No, really, you can't.
But there was such a huge awful event hanging over the whole day. Words fail. Je suis Charlie, indeed.

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