bucks life

By bucksmiss

Fraternite, liberte, egalite

What a terrible day for the people of France and the families of those cartoonists, staff and police who were so brutally killed in Paris today and those who are in hospital. I have lived in France twice in my life and am a regular visitor. I love the place. In many ways it is my spiritual home. I am absolutely shocked at the barbarity of some extremists in this twisted world of ours. And at what people are capable of in the name of religion. They are so wrong. My blip reflects my own sentiments about what has happened and mirror millions of others around the world. We must pray that the extremists among us see the light soon and work to make peace not war.

On a personal level my day was peachy. Work was fine and I got away just before 1pm. I went straight to Market Harborough for a leisurely bite to eat. Over lunch I googled fabrics for my new curtains and have discovered a huge warehouse in the heart of Northampton stocking well priced fabrics which they sell online all over the world. So I am making a date with my sister to visit it and get some inspiration for us both next week. Exciting times, though when I remember the wider world I am reminded how trivial it all seems...

After lunch I couldn't resist a couple of gorgeous outfits for my niece in the Sale in my favourite independent children's clothes shop.

The head shrink session was a very positive one. I'd noted down a lot of things I wanted to say and we discussed the challenge I've set myself to write a food diary for 365 days.

On arrival home, I had a good look at my upstairs study as I'm thinking of changing it into a single bedroom-cum-study and I now need to get measuring for a bed, desk and book cases. More exciting times...

I need to gird my loins for my first full day at the office for about 3 weeks tomorrow!

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