Spring Herald

No sign of Spring today - cold winds and persistent rain have made outdoor photography unappetising so here you have an ECSB (Emergency Chinese Screen Blip).

Tess's brother has been working in China for nearly two years now and, on his most recent trip home, brought this back for Tess's birthday (her maiden name is Spring). Apparently, this is a detail from the original 8.5m x 3.5m painting, Spring Herald, which hangs in the Great Hall of the People and depicts a plum tree.

With the Christmas decorations down, it's been found a place in the living room.

In a very tenuous link, we've been having a new year's spring clean of the finances today, with a view to Tess being able to give up her part time job and join me in full time retirement or, more likely, part time granddaughter minding when Kate goes back to work later in the year!

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